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Mindful of the Mask

We never know who’s dealing with what at any given time. Personally, I wore various masks in my life that I thought fit rather nicely…...

🧠 When Things Shifted 🌟

Spiritual Teachers, past & present, empower this message universally as an instrument (or paint brush) to grow, to be peace, to heal, to...


Loved coming across this image by @chopra. It’s not that the list on the left isn’t fulfilling, admirable or of value. They are. We...

The Boat

6/20/2021 - Fathers Day (sigh) I was just praying in the shower, Dad. For the first time in years I was trying to ignore today, and...

3 years - one moment at a time

A year ago in South Florida, as I was just starting to expand my comfort bubble by being more intentional, more vulnerable, trusting my...

The Recovery Matrix

The Recovery Matrix is my way of interpreting the diverse ways that humans heal and how we are all connected with what we struggle from -...

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