Spiritual Teachers, past & present, empower this message universally as an instrument (or paint brush) to grow, to be peace, to heal, to emerge with continuity as the best version of ourselves… which is already within. It’s a shift in perception or perspective to break from our old book of law, which is full of self judgement for a person we created from illusion… or from the inherited beliefs that we are not perfect. That we must achieve to be accepted… when we haven’t learned to accept the fact that we even exist in the first place - as perfection.
I see the human experience as learning that we are not… followed by the journey of unlearning back to "we are"…
For me, the first thing I can recall shifting at the start of this return journey was in changing the way I saw my mind.
I had a deeply spiritual experience on my flight from Seattle to Fort Lauderdale on March 20th, 2018. At the end or conclusion of this initial experience, I was in complete and total awe of my mind, or the human mind, in general. Looking back it was like I became aware of awareness... and was trying to make sense of it all immediately afterwards.
I then, at that moment, saw my mind as something that wasn't completely mine. I mean, my mind had a mind of its own. :) In other words, I realized that what I ended up learning later was true - or at least my truth - that thoughts can come in from different dimensions at times. The mind also creates or projects from what I have stored. And what I have stored (or suppressed) is an exotic chamber of wounds. Wounds that became scars by my belief in them which formed attachments. So during my spiritual experience, or awakening actually, I was in a living hell (or just "hell" because I believe it to be a state of mind) surrounded by fear in numerous manifestations. Mostly people with their words and actions. But this took place during the day (for a five day stretch) in which I recall having peaceful sleep at night, which was interesting. I later learned from Toltec Teachings that the main function of the mind is is to 'dream'. We're dreaming 24/7 and that the only difference during the day is that we have a material frame for things.
I was caught between two dreams while awake. This battle of my dreams was ultimately a battle for my soul as I (again) learned later and will share more about, later. The way that I looked at my mind changed... which sparked a change in my mind, that fueled a level of awareness, curiosity and belief that shifted everything...